Saturday, August 4, 2012

Printable Wedding Programs With Templates

There are always alot of details when planning for a wedding. I know when I planned my wedding I needed a checklist to ensure I would not forget a single item in preparation of my big event. Back in 1988, I chose to create my own wedding programs. The wedding program is important to have because it helps guest know the upcoming next item to expect within the ceremony. It acts as a guide for those in attendance and also contains special acknowledgements the bride and groom may want to recognize.

Being the creative person that I am, I designed my program from scratch. I still have it to this day, some 24 years later! As I look back on it now, the design was very simplistic since I was bound to the technology at the time. I worked on my Mac 512k which was the first MAC on the market! Wow, I wish I would have kept that original MAC, it was a classic and probably would be worth some bucks right now.

My point in bringing all this up is that now the bride to be can create professional looking programs without having to create it from scratch, like I did. Templates for weddings are now available for download from The Wedding Program Site. There are a large array of layouts to choose from. So you don’t have to go with the traditional bifold program, you can opt to create a tea-length or even a produce a graduated fold program. There are tons of different layouts to choose from and the designs are spectacular!  Take a visit to their online store and see the beautiful program templates. There are also thank you cards, rvsp, save the date, and placecard templates so you can keep your theme going.

Also offered are wedding favors and bridal attendant gifts. The website to go to is Happy big event!

1 comment:

  1. This is just an amazing post on printable wedding programs with templates. These templates are really nice. At the local event venue New York we would also tie the knot soon and have been finding invitation card ideas. Do you have vintage themed card inspirations?
